at home and around the world

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.

Matthew 28:19

Christian "missions" typically involves spreading the Gospel beyond familiar cultures and is often referred to as "going to serve at a great distance." This includes sharing the message of Jesus Christ in areas where it has not been heard before, such as among unreached peoples groups. While this direct approach is less common today, modern missions encompass a broader scope. It includes supporting church planters, training pastors, establishing schools, aiding in urban revitalization, providing micro-loans, digging wells, and offering medical assistance to address various needs. Moreover, it involves representing Christ and His followers by assisting others for their well-being and thriving. 

Good News Kenya

Holly Okoth, our previous youth director, sensed a calling to provide missionary work in Kenya. Pastor Fred and Holly married in 2012 as they began their life and ministry together. Fred and Holly's main calling at Good News Kenya is to raise up Kenya's next generation of Jesus-following leaders. They work with orphan sponsorship programs, create children and youth curriculum, and provide Sunday School, youth group, and school ministry. 

Active Missionaries

Holly and Fred Okoth - Missionairies in kenya

In 2006, Holly Okoth visited Good News Community Centre in Kenya during her YWAM outreach. There she met GNCC founders, James & Vangie Odongo that had a passion to bring transformation to Kenyan communities through practical, spiritual ways of evangelism and discipleship in Christ. The Odongo’s founded GNCC in Kenya in 2005 after being YWAM leaders for over 12 years. GNCC hosted several mission teams from the U.S. and in 2012, Holly moved to Kenya and married Pastor Fred, a GNCC pastor.  
In 2018, Holly and Fred founded Good News Kenya in the U.S. to help support ministries of GNCC. Good News Kenya focuses on three areas of ministry: discipleship, education, and child sponsorship. Holly and Fred work alongside a very equipped Kenyan staff who have a desire to know Christ and make him known in their community. Pastor Fred pastors a church and serves alongside a team to disciple the body of Christ. Holly oversees our sponsorship program that partners with families by relieving the burden of school fees for vulnerable children in Kenya. Together they have directed Good News Migwena Academy since their grand opening in 2020, currently providing Christian, affordable, and quality education to a rural village in Kenya. 

Local Missions

Food Pantry

Our food pantry, located in Trinity's Community Center serves local residents who suffer from hunger and food insecurity within our community.  We offer canned foods, toiletries, breads, milk, and a variety of other items. We have partnerships with Feed America who  help people get the food and resources they need to thrive. Everything they do focuses on getting nutritious food to communities – from sourcing food donations to advocating for policies that end hunger.   The food pantry is open on Wednesdays from 4-5:30 pm.

Prison & Re-Entry Ministry

The Prison & Re-Entry Ministry, an outreach program of Trinity Church, focuses on supporting inmates, victims, and their families. Furthermore, it aids recently released individuals in readjusting to community life and assisting in  securing employment and housing.
For more information on how to get involved
Contact: Kyle at 262-914-7486 or email  Kylemc@trinity.family

Missional Partnerships

These are great organizations we serve and partner with - doing great work together. 

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One of the very best ways you can support our teams who serve locally and abroad is to commit to
regularly pray for them and those they serve.  
You can also join the mission through supporting them financially.  
If you would like to support in that way, simply click the "give" button above to make your gift.
Thank you!